Graphium sarpedon - The Common Bluebottle
Lamproptera curiuscurius - The White Dragontail
Papilo paris paris - The Paris Peacock
Pachliopta aristochiae - The Common Rose
Delias hyparete indica - Painted Jezebel
Euploea klugii - The Brown King Cow
Moduza procris -The Commander
Taraka hamada mendesia - The Forest Pierrot
Castalius rosimon rosimon -The Common Pierrot
Heliophorus epicles - Common Purple Sapphire
Neptis sp - Sailor
Argyreus hyberbius - Indian Fritillary
Pseudergolis wedah - Tabby
Cyrestis thyodamas thyodamas - Common Map
Athyma cama cama - The Orange Staff Seergeant